

  • Čeština Čeština
  • David Smékal
  • Ivana Hanzlíková Katedry fyzioterapie, FTK, UP v Olomouci


Stress fracture, overuse injury, pathophysiology, risk factors, classification, diagnostics, therapy, runners


Stress fractures are injuries that result from overuse. They most commonly occur in the lower extremities as a consequence of repetitive impacts and the transmission of large forces to the bones of the lower limbs. Endurance runners are at the highest risk of developing stress fractures, but they can also affect other athletes such as sprinters, basketball players, or gymnasts. They are also prevalent among soldiers. Early diagnosis and proper treatment of stress fractures prevent the progression of this injury into a complete fracture or avascular necrosis. Therefore, knowledge of this issue is important for both medical professionals and athletes and their coaches. The goal of this article is to summarize current knowledge regarding stress fractures in runners. Individual sections focus on the pathophysiology of stress fracture development and the risk factors contributing to their occurrence. The main focus is given to the diagnosis, classification, and treatment of this injury.

