Isolated unilateral weakening in ankle pronation - an atypical presenting of epicone syndrome - a case report


  • Jan Dobiáš Ústřední vojenská nemocnice - Vojenská fakultní nemocnice Praha
  • Michal Říha Ústřední vojenská nemocnice - Vojenská fakultní nemocnice Praha


epiconus, ankle kinesiology, peroneal muscle, peroneal nerve, peroneal nerve palsy


In this case report we present a patient with isolated unilateral weakening in ankle pronation as a rare initial manifestation of epicone syndrome. We summarize the kinesiology of ankle and foot focusing mainly on the role of muscles and nerves in ankle and foot movement. The peroneus muscles are the leading pronators of the foot participating in abduction and plantiflexion. The superficial peroneus nerve supplies these muscles from spinal nerve roots L5 and S1. This case corresponds to epiconus syndrome presenting with radicular-type features previously published in literature, however with the absence of other neurological symptoms.

