Protilátka anti-Kpb v těhotenství


  • Jiří Masopust KZ, a.s., Masarykova nemocnice v Ústí nad Labem o.z., transfuzní oddělení
  • Martin Písačka ÚHKT Praha, transfuziologický úsek


SUMMARY: The case report describes rare incompatibility in Kell system (antigen Kpb) during pregnancy. Various clinical significance of anti-Kpb is presented in literature, from clinical insignificant antibody to serious haemolytic disease of foetus / newborn. Titre in our case remains the same during pregnancy. Red blood cells transfusion was not necessary. Fototherapy has been sufficient for postnatal hyperbilirubinaemia. Case report presents complicated problems with diagnosis and potential haemotherapy in anti-HFA.  


KEY WORDS: haemolytic disease of the foetus and newborn – red blood cell antibodies – high frequency antigens – anti-Kpb

