New recommendations for informing patients and gamete donors in assisted reproduction


  • Hana Konečná Jihočeská univerzita
  • Zdeňka Elišková
  • Ivana Honzová


assisted reproduction, gamete donation, informed consent, children's rights, family, counselling


The number of cycles of assisted reproduction using donor body parts is increasing significantly. In Europe alone, around one hundred thousand children are born each year who have some relationship to three or more parents. The European expert guarantor European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology therefore issued a recommendation in 2022 to inform donors, recipients and children born in this way. Our article analyzes developments in this area and proposes a solution for the Czech Republic. It is necessary for providers to immediately respond to the fact that the anonymity of donation can no longer be guaranteed, and to adapt the content of consultations and informed consents of potential donors and applicants accordingly. Legislation then has two possible solutions: 1. to adopt a system of "polyparenthoods" or 2. to fundamentally limit donation cycles.





Gynecology and Obstetrics
