Cephalothoracoomphalopagus - a rare type of conjoined twins from the pathologist’s perspective
pregnancy, twins, conjoined, autopsyAbstract
The aim of the study: Case description and autopsy finding in conjoined twins diagnosed in the 24th week of pregnancy. Results: We report a case of a 31-year-old primigravida who was referred to the Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics at our hospital with a presumptive diagnosis of conjoined twins. Ultrasound examination with consequent three-dimensional (3D) image reconstruction demonstrated twin gestation complicated by cephalothoracoomphalopagus. Observations demonstrated that the twins were joined over an area that extended from the head to the thoraces down to the central abdomen. In view of multiple congenital malformations incompatible with postnatal life, the pregnancy was terminated. The twins then underwent an autopsy at the Department of Pathology and the autopsy confirmed previous diagnosis. Conclusion: Cephalothoracoomphalopagus is one of the rarest forms of conjoined twins with unknown incidence due to a very small number of documented cases.